Presenting: SAA (Shakespeare Association of America),March 23-27, New Orleans 2016, Digital Salon on multimodal chapter "Cavendish's Observations Upon a Blazing World"
I will be participating in a roundtable at Geroge Washington University, GW Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute (MEMSI), on "Crip Ecologies," "Biopolitics: Law, Life, Land, Love"
Jen Boyle, "Is There Love in The (Queer) Telematic Embrace?”
Other Participants:
Panel presentations, MLA 2017:
"Digital Critical Practice Beyond Quantification" (Chair: Ellen MacKay,Director, IU Institute for the Digital Arts and Humanities, Associate Professor, English, Indiana University Department of English)
Jen Boyle
Telematic Traces (and Embraces): Moving Ontologies of Form across the Early Modern and the Digital
This presentation explores the potential in thinking across ontologies of scale and form as a model for re-casting critical questions related to both contemporary digital aesthetics and early modern mediation. Earlier 20th-century interventions into digital aesthetics, like Roy Ascott’s “telematic embrace,” offer us alternative perspectives on form and mediation that challenge the positivism and quantification of later theories. How do such framings re-tune our digital channels away from more ethereal imaginings and toward the scalar materialities and hybrid mediations of early modern polymaths (Bacon; M. Cavendish).

239. Not by the Numbers: New Approaches to Early Modern Digital Scholarship, is scheduled to take place at 10:15+11:30 a.m. on 06-JAN-17 in 202B, Pennsylvania Convention Center. (Convention sessions will take place in the Pennsylvania Convention Center and the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. The Job Information Center will be located in the Pennsylvania Convention Center).
"Early Modern Digital Embodiment" (Chair: Gina Bloom,Associate Professor of English, Univ. of California, Davis [website]; Project Director, Play the Knave, a video game about Shakespeare performance)
Jen Boyle
Scalar Bodies: the Early Modern Hybrid Text and the Digital “Stack"
This presentation explores scalar hybridities in texts like Francis Bacon’s exemplars in The Advancement in Learning and Margaret Cavendish’s The Description of the New World Called the Blazing-World… as experiments in re-scaling and re-materializing modes of embodiment — an alternative construct to what Hobbes and Shakespeare (differently) would come to identify as the “multitudes.” Some transhistorical comparisons are made with modes of embodiment in the contemporary rendering of the digital “stack,” a fascinating recalibration of emerging vertical-horizontal scales of performed interfacing that reorders the body of the sovereign “user” (Bratton). The early modern context offers a creative imagining of mediated embodiment that cathects “cloud” and scaled terrain.
Sunday, 8 January
729. Digital Embodiment
10:15–11:30 a.m., 112B, Pennsylvania Convention Center
Program arranged by the forum LLC Shakespeare
Presiding: Gina Bloom, Univ. of California, Davis
1. "Scalar Bodies: The Early Modern Hybrid Text and the Digital 'Stack,'" Jen Boyle, Coastal Carolina Univ.
2. "Digital Labor in Renaissance Texts," Whitney Trettien, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
3. "(Dis)Embodied Activation: Theatrical Phenomenologies in Digital Shakespeares," Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Univ. of Waterloo
Respondent: Sarah Werner, independent scholar
We will accommodate the following audiovisual request(s) for your session: Projection equipment for a computer
keywords: digital humanities, theater, early modern, embodiment, labor
729. Digital Embodiment, is scheduled to take place at 10:15+11:30 a.m. on 08-JAN-17 in 112B, Pennsylvania Convention Center. (Convention sessions will take place in the Pennsylvania Convention Center and the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. The Job Information Center will be located in the Pennsylvania Convention Center).